Thanks to all volunteers and for all generous donations to the Hurricane Florence Relief Effort hosted by Rotary Clubs of Naperville and the Rotary Club of Hinsdale, all in Rotary District 6450!
Note! Most recent photos take readers down to the beginning of this initiative to benefit all ages in Lumberton, North Carolina.
Donations arrived! Novvember 27 / Another member of the Cadence Premier Logistics team arrived in Lumberton with 1,000 back packs filled with school supplies collected and assembled by students in Hinsdale, Illinois.
Tom Carter Norton had this to say via email: Just got a call from the Robeson County School District administrator handling receipt of the school bags. Everything has arrived safely. They were especially impressed by the professionalism of the Cadence Premier Logistics driver.
And great news! About 250 of the bags will be handed out at a school parent’s night—-this evening…With another 120 going to a District special needs school tomorrow. All good!
Thanks to all who made this event possible. A true team effort made all the more worthwhile knowing our school bags filled with supplies will go right “into action” tonight!
Part II! The project for Hurricane Florence Relief continues in Clarendon Hills organized by the Rotary Club of Hinsdale with connections to Rotary Clubs of Naperville and District 6450.
November 15 / Rotary Club of Hinsdale Collection of School Items for Hurricane Florence Relief in Lumberton, NC. Transport of items was coordinated by Cadence Premier Logistics with the help of 4:44 Rotarians Chuck Corrigan and Rocky Caylor and the Illinois Trucking Foundation. The items are expected to arrive in Lumberton by Thanksgiving weekend.
As Chuck noted at the Rotary meeting on Nov. 14, Rotary Clubs again have come together to assist Lumberton. Rotary Club of Naperville provided a grant to help underwrite cost of school supplies for 1,000 packs headed for students in Lumberton.
On Nov. 15, students were photographed placing items in bags. “This is amazing!” said Rocky from the gymnasium in Clarendon Hills. Chuck added, “Looks like a great project! Thanks for getting some pictures to share.”
Collection hours at the Garden Plots on West Street and doors to the 53-ft. trailer closed at 6PM Sat., Oct. 13, 2018.
At 2PM Wed., Oct. 24, the full trailer was opened again in Lumberton, NC, for unloading 18 pallets of new items.
UPDATE, Oct. 13 / The entire community was welcomed to help fill a trailer provided by Cadence Premier Logistics with much needed items to send to Lumberton, North Carolina. Rotary Clubs of Naperville invited all service clubs, faith organizations, homeowners associations, businesses and individuals to join a community-wide service project by donating items for victims of devastation caused by Hurricane Florence. Items collected will go to Lumberton, NC, one of the cities in economic distress and ravaged by flooding. Fuel is being provided by the Illinois Trucking Association.
After donations placed in large Gaylord cartons on pallets are inspected and repacked for balance at the Cadence warehouse in Joliet, the trailer will head to Lumberton mid-week where they will be received by the Rotary Club of Lumberton for distribution to individuals and families in need.
Again, many thanks to all for donating the new items requested on the long list. Though clothing and footwear were not requested, it’s likely the donation of 100 pairs of new flip flops, all sizes, will come in handy for folks staying at shelters. All the gently-used tools and ladders also are appreciated. Stay tuned for updates.
UPDATE, Oct. 8 / Monday morning, organizers from the Rotary Clubs of Naperville contacted the team in North Carolina that will receive the trailer of supplies, asking for an update regarding what’s needed most.
“Boxed fans, insect repellent, cleaning supplies, rakes, mops, brooms, gloves are all items needed at this stage of recovery,” replied April Clark, Rotary District Governor 7730. “Thank you for all for what you are doing for our community.”
“Here is a snap shot of the effects, our efforts and the need for long-term support,” she added, saying she’s just put together a video. “Many homes owned by Rotarians were destroyed in the flood. The situation sometimes is bleak, but the outpouring of support from Rotarians has been overwhelmingly positive.”
Weekend One – Oct. 6 & 7 / Despite the threat of rain, volunteers were busy unloading vehicles with donations from generous residents for the better parts of the weekend. Pet food was the donation of choice. At the moment, two “Gaylord” boxes are filled to the brim with dog food, cat food and other pet supplies.
Throughout the spacious trailer, “Gaylord Boxes” (double wall containers that are 48 x 40 x 36″) now are labeled by category in order to collect, then to transfer bulk product safely when shrink wrapped and placed on a skid. Rotary Clubs in North Carolina will accept the trailer later in October. Again, thanks to all who stopped by with donations and to dozens of volunteers, including members of the Naperville Noon Lions Club, who filled the shifts.
Here’s an update of a few of the most-needed new items at the moment:
Personal Care & Hygiene Items: Adult Diapers, Baby Diapers, Baby Powder, Baby Wipes, Baby Formula,
Toothbrushes & Toothpaste, Sanitary Napkins, Tampons, Shampoo, Conditioner / Blankets, Pillows,
Sheets & Towels, Hand Sanitizer, Canned Foods Bleach, Bath Soap, Brooms, Laundry Detergent, Deodorant,
Utility Knives, Contractor Tape, Trash Bags, Box Fans, Sponges, Flashlights, Batteries
Mosquito Repellent, Portable Lights, Canned Foods, Bottled Water (See full list of requests below.)
Please note: Gently-used hand tools and ladders in good condition are OK. Thanks.
From the first shift on Oct. 6 (pictured above) to the last shifts (pictured below) on Oct. 7, volunteers helped fill 2-hour shifts and the trailer until time to close the doors. At the end of the first weekend, the 53-ft. trailer was about one/third full of new items. Packaging and boxing the donations were made possible with packing supplies provided by Phoenix Closures, Bedford Motor Transport and know-how from the Cadence family team.
The one constant throughout the collection hours was the generosity of the donations. Again, many thanks!
The Rotary Clubs of Naperville appreciate that the Naperville Park District permitted the trailer to park at the Garden Plots on West Street for the collection through Oct. 13. Look for banners and the large trailer stationed along West Street when the collection site is open again from 8AM to 6PM, Fri., Oct. 12 and Sat., Oct. 13. The Cadence trailer is expected to depart at 6PM on Sat., Oct. 13. (Note: If trailer fills sooner, an additional trailer will become available.)

Garden Plots on West Street Collection Hours / 8AM to 6PM, Fri., Oct. 12, and Sat., Oct. 13, 2018
Questions? Ask a Rotary Club of Naperville President for the club’s relief effort coordinator: Jeff Davis (4::44), Randy Ems (RCN), Jeanette Oakeshott (Sunrise) and Mary Morrissey (After Dark). —Update 10-6-2018
Thanks to Rotarian Kristy Sullivan of Rotary After Dark for coordinating volunteer opportunities.
Sign Up Today to Help Oct. 12 and/or 13! Thanks. Or just stop by to see if help is needed.
Calling all volunteers! Sign up for a 2-hour shift via the Sign Up Genius by clicking here.
Suggested nonperishable items needed for collection / New items only / ***Indicates Most Needed / Thanks.
Tarps*** Dehumidifiers***, 5-gallon Buckets***, Cordless Power Tools, Shop Vacs, Hammers*** & Nails, Rubber Gloves, Dog Food & Cat Food, Paper Towels***, Shop Rags, Adult Diapers
Baby Diapers***, Baby Powder***, Baby Wipes***, Baby Formula***, Empty Spray Bottles, Face (dust) Masks, Toothbrushes & Toothpaste, Shovels, Box Fans***, Sponges, Flashlights
Sanitary Napkins***, Tampons***, Batteries***, Shampoo***, Conditioner***, Blankets***, Pillows***, Sheets*** & Towels***, Bibles, Hand Sanitizer, Canned Foods***
Bleach***, Ladders, Bath Soap***, Brooms, Laundry Detergent***, Deodorant***, Utility Knives, Contractor Tape, Trash Bags***, Mosquito Repellent***, Portable Lights
Paper, Pens, Markers, Pencils & Pencil Sharpeners, Canned Foods***, Bottled Water*** (NOTE! Absolutely no clothing in this collection drive.)