- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Guests always are welcome to general weekly meetings that begin at 4:44PM most Wednesdays in Hugo’s Frog Pond located in Main Street Promenade. A guest fee of $20 is charged to visiting Rotarians and other individuals who may be interested in attending. Every meeting includes light refreshments, soft drinks, wine, camaraderie and enlightening programs.
***Asterisks indicate events with Rotary connections; Rotary “Extras” on days other than Wednesdays.
These photos with “P.S.” long captions help tell the story of the Rotary Club of Naperville/Downtown, set to find a way to build fellowship while trying to enhance educational experiences every week, aimed at creating a warm welcome and better community for all concerned. Join us any week. We go around the room with introductions and a “question of the day” that typically connects to the theme of the day’s featured program. Cheers!
Greetings! Thanks for your interest to learn a little more about another of the world’s Rotary Clubs.
Note that on Wed., June 24, 2020, Rotary District 6450 will welcome Chuck Corrigan, a charter member of the Rotary Club of Naperville/Downtown (aka 4:44 Rotary), as Rotary District 6450 Governor. A special installation ceremony and dinner will be held beginning 6:34:44PM to 9PM Wed., June 24, 2020, via Zoom. The event is being catered for members of 4:44 Club by Meson Sabika in Naperville. Members will be advised by June 22 regarding curbside pick up on June 24.
Given the restrictions on gatherings, this virtual event on Zoom encourages all Rotarians and Clubs in the District to join the installation. Let us suggest that everyone attending via Zoom also support a local restaurant by ordering take-away or curbside pickup for dinner the evening of the Installation Event.
Musical entertainment will enhance festivities as we also install Kevin McQuillan as returning President of the 4:44 Club, and all District officers and Board members for the 2020-21 Rotary year.
Join the Installation Event – Zoom Link
When: Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 6:30 PM until 8 PM
The Pavilion at Meson Sabika sits on the beautifully landscaped property next to the historic mansion, located at 1025 Aurora Avenue, west of Washington Street, not far from downtown Naperville. Join Rotary District 6450 as well as members and guests of the casual 4:44 Rotary for the fun and festivities. Cheers!
Wed., July 10 / Carlos Madinya, Director of Sales at the Naperville Convention and Visitors Bureau, will talk to us about the economic impact that comes with local hotel stays, etc. (Carlos will be working with our club as we plan the Installation Dinner for Chuck Corrigan in 2020 when he’s in line to become Rotary District 6450 Governor.)
When we go around the room, tell us briefly when/why you’ve experienced one of Naperville’s 19 hotels.
From special events at the Marriott, luncheons at Embassy Suites, tall shower heads at Hotel Arista, to memories of Stardust and the Sheridan, Rotarians provided Carlos with plenty of images of the growth and development of Naperville’s hotel properties. Carlos suggested that anytime a member is planning a group meeting or convention for an association or a family reunion to give him a call at the Naperville Convention and Visitors Bureau. With 19 hotels, many entertainment venues, and more than 275 restaurants to please every appetite, Naperville is a great destination with plenty of accommodations that can fit just about any budget.
***Extra! Extra! Extra! Fri., July 12, is the WGN Parade and Block Party from 8AM to 9:30AM. Chuck Corrigan, Kevin McQuillan and Jeff Davis think it will be a great way to demonstrate Rotary spirit and promote our Rotary Bike Ride on Aug. 11. Wear a Rotary spirit shirt and a Rotary smile. It’s that easy to participate.
Members of all four Rotary Clubs of Naperville stepped up to participate in the showcase of Service Above Self! Thanks to all!
Wed., July 17 / Comprehensive Master Plan Community Workshop is a small-group discussion to assist the City of Naperville in updating its Master Plan for future development. The D.I.Y. (Do it Yourself) Community welcomes all member participation, an important exercise since the City currently is working from a plan first written in 1960. Results from the the D.I.Y. will be turned into the consultants by Aug. 15. In the end, the workshop aims to identify what residents value most.
P.S. After the workshop, members were informed by Mary Corrigan and Chuck Corrigan that this month’s Rotarian Magazine features calendar notes about the 23rd Annual Rotary Ride, our club’s only fundraiser, slated to return on Sun., Aug. 11, beginning and ending at Commissioners Park on 111th Street.
In addition, a story in the magazine features the Rotary Club of Playa del Carmen Seaside, located on the Yucatan Penisula in Mexico, the home of visiting Rotarian Gayle Collins who is in Naperville “visiting her grandchildren.” The story tells how three Rotarians from the U.S. met and formed the Rotary Club of Playa del Carmen Seaside in 2012.
Nick Ryan added that he’d visited the Rotary Club of Playa del Carmen Seaside while on vacation! Small world, this Rotary.
Wed., July 24 / Connor McGury has been invited to talk about the new coffee lab and enterprise at North Central College.
P.S. Connor McGury enlightened our club about the new North Central College Coffee Lab, one of three college-operated facilities in the nation dedicated to studying the craft of coffee, and the first with a primary focus on the business of coffee—from sourcing, to supply chain, cost accounting, marketing and sales. The 450-square-foot, on-campus facility has been supported by the coffee industry, including Probat, Inc., which donated a professional-grade coffee roaster, and by Jim McDermet, a former Starbucks executive and current North Central College Board of Trustees Chair who provided start-up funding. Coffee growers for the project are located in Guatemala. Plans are to host educational workshops, tastings, and supporting the Enactus-led coffee enterprise.The Coffee Lab will bring together students from a wide range of academic disciplines—from business to engineering to chemistry and social sciences—to study the impact of coffee, both socially and economically. Connor said he hopes learning about coffee will have coffee drinkers connecting and wondering about the coffee farmers and their passions to grow delicious beans.
**Rotary Extra! 7:30PM Thurs., July 25 / Rotary Downtown is the sponsor of the Naperville Municipal Band Concert to help the band celebrate its 160th anniversary year! On the Fourth of July, Kevin McQuillan was the sponsor and he also promoted Rotary Ride. Chuck Corrigan and the band will pitch our Rotary Ride and we’ll have an ad in the program book. It’d be great to see some Rotary spirit wear in the audience. Some visiting Rotarians from Canada are expected as guests of the Corrigans. Stay tuned.
Wed., July 31 / Chuck Corrigan and Gary Baumgartner will present a program about their Rotary International Convention experience in Hamburg, Germany, and other European adventures while across the Pond. Hey, Members! You don’t want to miss this one!
***Rotary Extra! / 7PM, Tues., Aug. 6 / WSI Quiz Night at Quigley’s Irish Pub / Last call to experience team play with the Corrigans as the dynamic duo turns over 13 years of leadership to new WSI Quiz Night coordinators. Going forward, Nancy Quigley will rename the Quiz NIght to honor the Corrigan family for 13 years of Quiz Nights. From now on, it’ll be called “Corrigan Quiz Night at Quigley’s.”
Wed., Aug. 7 / Club Assembly with presentation by Kenn Miller (Charter Member of RCN-Downtown) about recent activities at hub88 Innovation Center, a technology acceleration center serving northern Illinois along the I-88 corridor. Club updates also will include Rotary Ride, followed by a Board Meeting.
***Rotary Extra! Sun., Aug. 11 / Naperville Rotary Ride begins and ends at Commissioners Park. This year’s 23rd Annual ride benefits Loaves & Fishes Community Service, 360 Youth & Family Services, Naperville Responds for Veterans and Rotary International End Polio Now.
***Rotary Extra! Wed., Aug. 14 / Riverwalk Duck Race begins at 10AM from the footbridge that leads to Centennial Beach. This link to a story about the early Riverwalk focuses on how the city’s natural treasure was conceived to commemorate Naperville’s Sesquicentennial in 1981. Members of the Rotary Clubs of Naperville always have been involved with the growth and development of the Riverwalk from its inception in the late 1970s to Rotary Hill to Rotary Plazas and then some! Plus, Rotary Club of Naperville/Downtown has a commemorative brick in Fredenhagen Park that recognizes our club’s charter in 2007.
Wed., Aug. 14 / Program Idea from Prez Kevin McQuillan. Club Assembly. Kevin will do some short presentations on membership. Bring your ideas, too. He also would like to discuss the following: Who are currently officers, board members and committee members and when we amend the bylaws what if any changes do we want to make as to those positions? Also, share stories regarding Rotary Ride with gratitude to all who participated.
Wed,., Aug. 21 / Chip Staley, former director of music in School District 204, now retired, who received a $1,000 grant from our Giving Fund about two years ago for 20 headphones with play lists, contacted me recently to update us about the ArtSpeaks initiative Alive Inside Outreach program that greatly impacts elders. (Coincidentally, this program is the one Teresa Ryan mentioned at our Installation Dinner at Meson Sabika.)
P.S. Chip Staley returned with gratitude to update members on the progress of his Alive Inside initiative that connects and develops individual skills via sounds of music. Memories of music nurture the human spirit and Staley’s well-rounded approach began several years ago via headphones with playlists links youth with elders. His interactive Rotary presentation focused on ArtSpeaks and his aim to educate by raising awareness about the importance of arts education in the development of skills for future learning. Going around the room with introductions, it became evident that our Rotary members can testify to the importance of music in their lives. Music education positively impacts the cognitive development of children, and offers therapeutic benefits to all ages, especially aging elders who may challenged by dementia and Alzheimer’s. Citing several studies of the brain (and the lobes where music memory is stored) and witnessing the impact of music first hand for all ages throughout his teaching career, Staley said childhood music develops connections between motor and sensory regions of the brain forever. Music helps the body plan and execute mobility and much more. K-12, music and arts education always need support in our schools by putting an A in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) for STEAM. The meeting ended with thoughts of an all-community sing-along!
Wed., Aug. 28 / Jeff Davis has arranged for Annette Gustafson Guenther, Principal Attorney at A.E. Gustafson Law Offices, to talk about immigration, particularly as concerns for businesses.
P.S. For 26 years, Annette Gustafson has owned and operated A.E. Gustafson Law Offices, now located in Naperville’s “N” Building, concentrating on business, corporate and employment-based immigration. The boutique law firm mostly serves Swedish and European companies in the United States by providing legal support and guidance.
Wed., Sept. 4 / No meeting. Holiday week. Happy Labor Day!
Wed., Sept. 11 / Mary Ann Bobosky, a member of Naperville’s Sept. 11 Memorial Committee led by Chuck Johanns; and Brand Bobosky, president of Century Walk Corp, will share insights and experiences about the creation of the Cdr. Dan Shanower Sept. 11 Memorial, located along the Riverwalk behind the Naperville Municipal Center. Since 2003, the Century Walk location has featured a bench engraved with “Freedom Isn’t Free,” the Wall of Faces that represents all the victims; and Lean on Us, a sculpture that contains a beam from the wreckage of the World Trade Center, fragments from the facade of the Pentagon, and granite from Pennsylvania symbolizing the freedom fighters of Flight 93. Naperville native Cdr. Dan Shanower died in the Pentagon attack. Note: At 6PM the annual Sept. 11 Remembrance will be held at the memorial along the Riverwalk. This year, Chuck Johanns is the featured speaker.
P.S. The Boboskys provided an overview of how the Cdr. Dan Shanower Sept. 11 Memorial came to become a place along the Riverwalk to pause and reflect about the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Mary Ann enlightened the group with the scenario of putting the large committee of residents together that was led by Co-Chairmen Mayor George Pradel and Chuck Johanns, two men with close relationships to the Shanower family and fond memories of their son, Dan Shanower, who was killed while on duty at his desk in the Pentagon. Brand explained how the memorial became a location for Century Walk, as detailed in the coffee table book by Jini Clare titled Century Walk: Art imitating history.
Our city’s memorial was among the first to be completed in the United States, they said, noting the dedication of the tribute was in 2003. After the meeting, club members followed the Boboskys to the annual observance where speakers and songs recalled resilience and American spirit that have been experienced since Sept. 11, 2001, as the community united on the 18th anniversary of the horrific attacks. The photo of several members sitting along the DuPage River just before the observance began was taken by Prez Kevin McQuillan.
Wed., Sept. 18 / District 6450 Governor Visit. Welcome Debi Ross! Board members are asked to arrive at 4:30PM to meet our district governor in advance of the meeting.
P.S. District 6450 Governor Debi Ross shared her vision for this Rotary year that is focusing on youth leadership opportunities. Photo of District Governor Nominee Chuck Corrigan (Corrigan will serve as District 6450 Governor in 2020-
Wed., Sept. 25 / Rotarian Aaron Bondi will share the story of his occupation. (4:44 Rotarians! Please remember to pick a date this upcoming Rotary year to enlighten us about your business or avocation. Or pick a date to plan an engaging program. Thanks to everybody who has participated so far!)
P.S. Aaron led us down his path of cross-country living that landed him locally with a stop for college in Indianapolis, Ind., where he became a graduate of Butler University in 2004. The avid golfer has spent 15 years in the financial services industry and is happy to have joined Edward Jones as a financial adviser in 2017. He bases his business on good relationships and aims to help families and business owners simplify investing. Aaron is married to LIndsey and is the very proud father of Rosalie. Following the direction of District 6450 Governor Debi Ross, Prez Kevin chose Aaron to be his “Rock Star,” recognizing all of Aaron’s enthusiastic efforts as Sergeant the past two years, a commitment that has benefited the club’s hospitality and refreshments every week. Thanks, Aaron!
Wed., Oct. 2 / Stephanie Penick has arranged for Naperville Police Chief Bob Marshall to provide comments and updates from his department. Chief Marshall always appreciates Q&A.
P.S. Naperville Police Chief Bob Marshall started with his bio of service that included his childhood dream to serve the police force. Perfectly frank, Marshall said he loves his job as Chief that he’s had since 2012, working to keep safe one of the best cities around. Marshall began his career in law enforcement in Naperville in 1977. From officer to lieutenant to captain to a stint in the City Manager’s office to Naperville Police Chief, Marshall has embraced new approaches in management, vowing to be visible, accessible and inclusive in policing. Now looking back at his time at City Hall, the Chief credits the experience as Assistant City Manager under Peter Burchard as helping him lead sworn and unsworn members of the Naperville Police Department today. Marshall remembers all he learned as an undercover cop, too. More than a year ago, Marshall started “Coffee with a Cop” in order to have open discussions and receive feedback from residents on how community policing is working to keep everyone safe. Chief Marshall also is a husband, father and grandfather.
Wed., Oct. 9 / Stephanie Penick has asked Ron Keller to present his memories of growing up in Naperville and how his childhood led to his becoming the longest-serving Conductor of the Naperville Municipal Band, an honor he’s enjoyed since 1966! Come with questions! (Note this is the date of the Quigley’s Irish Pub Tour to Ireland and Scotland. Six of our members were booked to take the tour!)
P.S. Always a great storyteller, Ron Keller shared some of the highlights of the 80 years since he was born in his parents’ home on N. Ellsworth Street in Naperville. Those were the days when Naperville, a small farming community with a population of about 5,200, had no hospital. Keller described how neighborhoods grew on property that once was farmland all around the train station and Kroehler Manufacturing on Fifth Avenue. Keller reminisced about the days when everybody in Naperville knew everybody—and the difficulty he had trying to skip school because everybody knew who he was. He also talked about his musical family (his mother played the marimba and he played the tuba) and their extended family’s longtime relationship with the Naperville Municipal Band that first started as the Naperville Brass Band in 1859. (Click any photo to enlarge.)
Wed., Oct. 16 / Rotarian Mike Havala will share the story of his occupation that led him three years ago to his current position as CEO & President of Loaves & Fishes Community Services.
P.S. Mike Havala grew up in Detroit, one of three boys. He recently celebrated his 35th wedding anniversary with his “wonderful wife” and they have three grown daughters, quite a contrast to boys, he admitted. Despite spending most of his career in managing real estate, capital markets and high finance, Mike already had served on the Naperville-based Loaves & Fishes for seven years when he was named CEO and President almost exactly three years ago. He noted the choice and the challenge to move into a full-time, nonprofit leadership role just happened at the right time. Mike currently serves as treasurer of the Rotary Club of Naperville/Downtown.
***Now through Nov. 8 – Donate Coats! / The Rotary Club of Naperville is again serving as the coordinator for Naperville-area collection for the Chicagoland Rotary Homeless Veterans Coat Drive. Stephanie Jones-Kastelic is coordinator for the project. We are collecting new and gently used and clean Mens Coats sizes L – XXXXL now through Nov. 8. The goal is to collect 900 coats throughout the Chicagoland area for the Nov. 15 Stand Down Day at Humbolt Park Armory. We invite your clubs to participate in the coat collection. Your members can bring coats to your meetings or deposit them at one of the drop off box locations in our network. Though about 25 places are collecting, the places listed here to drop off that are most familiar throughout town and ones that don’t need addresses. Blooming Color/ Minuteman Press / Busey Bank (Both Locations – Gartner & Washington & 401 Main St.) / Friedrich Jones Funeral Home / Naper Settlement Pre-Emption House / Naperville Park District at Alfred Rubin Center / Naperville Park District at Fort Hill Drive / Naperville Police Department / Naperville School District 203 / Naperville School District 204 / St. Patrick’s Residence / St. Raphael Catholic Church / White Eagle Country Club.
Wed., Oct. 23 / Stephanie Penick has arranged for Naperville resident and healthcare professional RuthAnne Peterson to talk to us about Medicare. Peterson who represents several insurance plans has titled her program “Medicare Made Easy 1-2-3!” The timely topic falls during the Medicare Open Enrollment period (Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. 2019), a once-a-year period when changes can be made for the following year’s coverage.
***Thurs., Oct. 24 / World Polio Day is a special time every year for Rotarians all over the world to raise awareness about efforts that began in 1985 to eradicate polio for good. Rotarians often talk about PolioPlus and the “plus” means something else that is provided as a part of the polio eradication campaign —from preventing disease to providing clean water and even creating jobs. Since 1988, the world has tracked a reduction in polio cases of 99.9 percent. During the past two years, wild polio cases have occurred only in two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Thanks to everyone who supports PolioPlus and then some via Rotary Foundation.
Wed., Oct. 30 / RCN Downtown Prez and Rotary Ride Chairman Kevin McQuillan and the Rotary Ride Committee will host Rotary Ride Appreciation Night. Come thank our sponsors and volunteers who helped with the 23rd Annual Rotary Ride held on Aug. 11, 2019! Also, save the date for the same time next year as Rotary Ride already is set for Sun., Aug. 9, 2020. The bike ride through the countryside always is the second Sunday in August. Gear up!
Wed., Nov. 6 / Prez Kevin McQuillan will host the club assembly prior to a board meeting. Any member with a topic for group discussion or an item for the agenda is encouraged to contact Kevin in advance of the meeting.
Wed., Nov. 13 / Did you know our Rotarian Prez Kevin McQuillan also serves as Central States Team Adviser for the National Ski Patrol? During today’s meeting Kevin will talk about his responsibilities to help provide education, outreach and credentialing related to outdoor recreation and safety among the eight divisions of the National Ski Patrol in the U.S. (This meeting will be rescheduled. Unfortunately, the meeting was canceled due to a heat mishap at Hugo’s.)
Wed., Nov. 20 / Jeff Davis has arranged for Steve Beck, a nationally-acclaimed motivational leadership speaker, to, well, motivate us! Jeff mentioned that Beck had presented at PHOENIX for National Customer Service appreciation week and “he was fabulous.”
P.S. Oh, my gosh! What a hoot! Writer Steve Beck, his smiles, his antics and his enthusiastic body language were fun and inspirational as he shared his trials, travels and tribulations on his way to “have a great day every day.” Among many suggestions for best “blue dot” practices is that your thoughts and attitude are going to determine if you’re going to have a great day at home, work or play. He encourages you to remind yourself how “great” life really is, open your eyes to new possibilities, refocus on what’s really important, aim for the next level to reach happiness and satisfaction, get “fired up” every day, week and month. Change your life, he says. Find out more at Beck’s presentation provided a great kick-off for Thanksgiving break. Count your blessings!
***Tues., Nov. 26 / 5:30PM, NaperLights, hosted by the Rotary Club of Naperville/Sunrise, will come alive with carolers as the display of colorful lights welcomes visitors to Water Street for the holiday season in downtown Naperville.
Wed., Nov. 27 / No meeting. Holiday week. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Wed., Dec. 4 / Aaron Bondi has arranged for Lindsey Bondi to introduce Quartet “Stiletto,” a chorus from Sweet Adelines that entertains in four-part harmony with songs of the season and then some.
P.S. Members of Stiletto Quartet, comprised of Cat Cattone, Kim Blair, Linda Herza and Lindsey Bondi, entertained with holiday songs from the heart in four-part harmony (songs written for four voices). To begin the meeting in perfect pitch, the ensemble surprised the Rotary Club with a performance of club’s signature song, “It’s a Grand Old Flag,” an American patriotic march written by George M. Cohan in 1906 as a tribute to the U.S. flag. In 1942, the spirited song was sung solo by James Cagney in the popular movie, “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” The lyrics of the story-telling song prompted the Rotary Club-Downtown to adopt the tune as its opening song to be performed with the Pledge of Allegiance to begin weekly meetings when the small club received its charter in 2007. While listening to Stiletto Quartet, club members quickly noted it’s finally time for a pitch pipe!
***Wed., Dec. 4 / Cocktails for a Cause benefiting Edward Foundation, 5:30 to 8:30PM @ Zorba Cocktail Bar, 2155 CityGate Lane. Tips and proceeds from a specialty cocktail will support the Edward Foundation mission to provide exceptional care in the community. Perhaps head over after Rotary when “celebrity bartenders” from 7:30 to 8:30PM will be Dr. Jim Lengemann and 4:44 Rotarian Brett Skeen.
Wed., Dec. 11 / Mary Corrigan has arranged for Lauren Humes, President and Co-Founder of Camden’s Comfort Project, to lead us in a blanket-making event. Lauren will bring a blanket for everyone to tie and the presentation will include a tutorial and discussion about the Naperville organization.
P.S. During the Rotary meeting, Lauren Humes passed out pre-cut fleece fabric in joyful patterns for the blankets while she told her story of motherhood that inspired the founding of Camden’s Comfort Project. Every day, thousands of babies are born prematurely and spend their first days, weeks, or months within a neonatal unit. Although many babies are able to go home with their parents, “some babies gain their angel wings” like her infant son, Camden. In both situations, parents are in great need of strength and support, she explained. Providing comfort and a cozy blanket to sick babies is the mission of Camden’s Comfort Project.
Neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) at local hospitals, including Edward, accept donated baby blankets from Camden’s Comfort Project and the consolation they provide. With fabric in hand, Rotarians teamed up in pairs to tie the knots that put together the small cozy covers intended to comfort mothers and dads as they welcome tiny babies to their families.
Wed., Dec. 18 / Annual Holiday Sing-a-Long & Trivia with Santa Jimbo, one of our club’s charter members! Since he retired and moved to Florida, Santa Jim has returned annually to spread good cheer every December to help us celebrate the ho, ho, holidays. Bring wise guests to share in the joys of the season on your team!
Wed., Dec. 25 / No meeting. Holiday week. Happy Christmas Day!
Dues are due for second semester now. Note the deadline is Jan. 31, 2020. Can you believe this Rotary year has reached it half-way mark? Cheers to all!
Wed., Jan. 1 / No meeting. Holiday week. Happy New Year’s Day! Happy Leap Year!
Wed., Jan. 8 / Jeff Davis has arranged for guest speakers Bill Denwood and Tim Ford, both with “Suits for Success” and both Naperville residents. The program aims to help get parolees back on their feet by providing suitable clothing for interviewing upon release from prison. See
P.S. Suits for Success founder/President Bill Denwood and board member Tim Ford provided an enlightening program focused on their initiative that aims to help change the future for a parolee upon release from prison. Gifts of gently-used suits and shirts for the paroles as well as cash donations to help the all-volunteer nonprofit organization cover its most basic operating costs for deliveries to prisons fill an important need. 100 percent of every donation goes to the much-needed mission. Currently operated out of two garages, no rent is needed for a facility and no volunteers or board members receive compensation. After four years, growth and success are ready for the next steps and Rotarians expressed interest in learning more about meeting the needs of Suits for Success and prison reform. Stay tuned.
Wed., Jan. 15 / Stephanie Penick has arranged for Michael Breuning, Senior Advisor – Better Business Bureau Education Foundation, to present a program, “Five Steps to Cyber Security,” focused on how small to medium-sized businesses can be prepared to protect against scams and fraud. Bruening has been associated with the Better Business Bureau for 20 years.
Wed., Jan. 22 / No meeting. Holiday Week. Commemorate MLK Day!
Wed., Jan. 29 / In an attempt to put her best foot forward, Stephanie Penick has arranged a program featuring Christina Rifoigiate, ANT, MNT, CPMA, who will tell us everything we might not know, and then some, about taking care of our feet.
***Thurs., Jan. 30 / 6-7PM Set Up – 7:30-9:30PM Play /Totally Rad 1980s Trivia Extravaganza hosted by Rotary After Dark at the Judd Kendall VFW Post 3873. Sign Up Individually or by 8-member Team.
Final deadline for dues for second semester is Jan. 31, 2020. Thanks to all who have paid! Thanks to all other members for paying promptly. Dues are scheduled for payment twice during the Rotary year that runs from July 1 through June 30. (Note: The first semester payment, including annual investment in the Rotary Foundation, will be due by July 31, 2020.)
Wed., Feb. 5 / Neal Cerne will share his bio with our club as one of our “get-to-know-our-members-better” programs.
P.S. Crediting North Central College President Troy Hammond with the idea to use his cell phone for his notes, our DuPage County Judge (and a past 4:44 Rotary president) took us on a tour of his office and the courthouse where he helps folks who enter his courtroom find their way. With entertaining “selfies” (one that included Beth during their cheers for Kansas City Chiefs during the Super Bowl LIV), family photos and a video, Neal used good judgement as he displayed his creativity in the presentation he titled, “This Is My Story.”
Wed., Feb. 12 / Veterans Jennifer Slown and Jim Vahle, both members of the Naperville American Legion Post 43, will present a program to enlighten us about the recently-passed Legion Act and how that affects Veterans and their families, as well as provide a brief overview on the many youth programs Post 43 offers students in the community.
P.S. Slown explained that now all veterans are welcome to join the American Legion. Vahle provided a long list of activities provided by the American Legion to engage local youth. For instance, the February social dinner annually recognizes local youth, including scholarship winners, past Boys and Girls State participants, speech contest winners, and many others. For information about all the educational programs, volunteer opportunities, speech and essay contests, Boys State, Girls State and other scholarships as well as almost-monthly dinner socials and other social events sponsored by American Legion Post 43, visit After the meeting, our Rotarian Ron Nyberg noted he had been honored to receive the American Legion Medallion for Good Citizenship in 8th Grade! In high school, Ron also wrote an award-winning speech about the Constitution for the contest. Small world!
Wed., Feb. 19 / No meeting. Holiday Week. President’s Day!
Wed., Feb. 26 / Annual Charter Night & Paul Harris Fellow Recognition – 5:30PM – Guests Welcome ($40 for hors d’oeuvres & libation, all inclusive for guests)
P.S. As has become tradition, our casual little Rotary with the big spirit of camaraderie celebrated its 13th anniversary on the last Wednesday of February with friends and family in attendance. Sarge Aaron Bondi selected an array of appetizers that created a sumptuous buffet, complete with Hugo’s signature desserts.
During milestone meeting, Gary Baumgartner (formerly of Rotary Sunrise) and Stephanie Penick (formerly of Rotary Club of Naperville) took members on a trip down Memory Lane to rehash the club’s first 13 years (really 14 years since it took about a year to devise the plan and assemble its first 25 Charter Members). The duo detailed how Club members support the “Giving Pot” to fund community grants and college scholarships as well as honor the Rotary Foundation every year, noting that members of the club collectively have awarded 81 Paul Harris Fellowships since 2007.
Foundation Chairman Baumgartner presented Brett Skeen with a Paul Harris Fellowship. Prez Kevin McQuillan and Gary had requested that members bring their copy of A Century of Service for a little “Open Book” exercise and to find a Rotary tidbit to share from the pages that include many references to Rotary service since 1905. Charter Member, Past President and future Rotary District 6450 Governor Chuck Corrigan selected a brief video about service initiatives happening around the world, thanks to Rotary.
Rotary 4:44 Grants also were presented to several nonprofit organizations, funds that are intended to benefit unmet needs and make a difference.
A large number of members were out of town on business and they were missed!
Cheers to a vibrant future of service for all Rotarians worldwide! Guests always are welcome to visit the 4:44 Rotary.
Wed., March 4 / Neal Cerne has arranged for Judge Ann-Celine Walsh to present a program, “Overview of Illinois Judiciary.”
P.S. Judge Ann Celine Walsh currently sits on the Circuit Court of DuPage County. A Judge for more than four years, she currently serves as the Presiding Judge of the Misdemeanor and Traffic Division where she also hears DUI cases in the Misdemeanor Division. As a young attorney, Ann Celine said she worked in the safety, security, and justice in DuPage County; spending 15 years in the DuPage County State’s Attorneys Office. There she held positions including Supervisor of the Felony Sex Crimes/Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Unit, and First Chair of the Felony Trial Division. Listening to her presentation, (She’s the mother of three boys.) it’s evident her knowledge of the law comes with a strong sense of empathy, kindness and good will toward others.
Wed., March 11 / Neal Cerne has booked Judge Kenton Skarin who will talk about his experience as a law clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas of The US Supreme Court. He also happens to have attended North Central College.
***Sat., March 14 / Rotary Sunrise St. Paddy’s Day 5K and West Suburban Irish St. Patrick’s Parade. Note all the Rotary connections and help raise some green! (Canceled)
Tues., March 17 / Happy St. Patrick’s Day! The West Suburban Irish Raffle Drawing for the trip to Ireland will be at 6PM on the patio of Quigley’s Irish Pub. (Note: All restaurants and pubs are closed through March 30.) Happy Election Day! Vote! Polls are open from 6AM to 7PM.
Wed., March 18 / Community Service Director/College Scholarship Coordinator Pat Benton has saved this date for “Scholarship Night,” a time to recognize scholarship recipients from College of DuPage and Waubonsie Valley Community College. (Canceled)
Wed., March 25 / Stephanie Penick has saved this date for a program provided by Mike Son of the Naperville Police Department Office of Professional Standards and Public Information. Bring questions. Stay tuned for update. (Canceled)
Wed., April 1 / Zoom, Zoom! Virtual meeting.
Wed., April 8 / Zoom, Zoom! Stephanie Penick has arranged for DuPage Children’s Museum President/CEO Andrea ingram (She assumed responsibilities in November 2019) to talk to us about putting more play into your day that just might begin with a visit to the DCM with a young learner in your life. Creative experiences in early learning and development help young individuals become our future leaders and involved citizens.
Wed., April 15 / Zoom, Zoom! Usually we have no meeting since this is a holiday week with Passover and Easter. However, due to many members’ having the “stay-at-home” time, Chuck Corrigan has arranged for Connie Dierman, Counsel General to Bermuda from the U.S. to be our featured speaker. Connie is Chuck’s sister. She has enjoyed a 30-plus-year career with State the Department, serving throughout the world. She will discuss her current position, her background and entertain questions. She has served in Afghanistan, Iraq, Australia and many more locales. Rotary 4:44 members may recall that Chuck attended a Rotary Club in Bermuda on a recent visit to see his sister.
***Wed., April 15 / Naperville Chef Showdown returns with the Battle of Champions between Catch 35 and Che Figata from 6-9PM at Loaves & Fishes Community Services. Since Rotary does not meet this date because of the holidays, consider this benefit for Loaves & Fishes Community Service. Alert! Event moved to June 10. TKTS are $100 per person. Just ask our 4:44 Rotarian Mike Havala for more details or CLICK HERE.
Wed., April 22 / Zoom, Zoom! Jeff Davis has booked David Della Terza, Executive Director of Naperville Public Library, as guest speaker.
Wed., April 29 / Zoom, Zoom! Club Assembly / Stay tuned. Stay healthy. Wash your hands often. Face masks now required inside public places. Be safe.
Wed., May 6 / Zoom, Zoom! Stay tuned. Stay healthy. Wash your hands often. Face masks now required inside public places. Be safe.
Wed., May 13 / Zoom, Zoom! Stay tuned. Stay healthy. Wash your hands often.Face masks now required inside public places. Be safe. Nancy Quigley is planning the program.
Wed., May 20/ Zoom, Zoom! Stay tuned. Stay healthy. Wash your hands often. Face masks now required inside public places. Be safe. Pat Benton is planning the program, featuring the ED’s of the College of DuPage and Waubonsee Community College foundations.
Wed., May 27 / No Meeting. Holiday Week. Observe Memorial Day. All Memorial Day Observances in Naperville have been canceled due to Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order through May 2020.
Wed., June 3 / Jeff Davis has arranged for State Rep. Grant Wehrli to update us about all things in Springfield.
Wed., June 10 / Neal Cerne has arranged Professor Glenn S. Daehn of Ohio State University to speak to us this coming Wednesday. Short story on professors of material science.
Wed., June 17
Wed., June 24 / Save the date! Still up in the air regarding details. Installation of New Officers Dinner when Rotary Club of Naperville/Downtown charter member Chuck Corrigan also will be Installed as District 6450 Governor via Zoom. The event is being catered for members of 4:44 Club by Meson Sabika in Naperville. Members will be advised by June 22 regarding curbside pick up on June 24.
Given the restrictions on gatherings, this virtual event on Zoom encourages all Rotarians and Clubs in the District to join the installation. Let us suggest that everyone attending via Zoom also support a local restaurant by ordering take-away or curbside pickup for dinner the evening of the Installation Event.
Musical entertainment will enhance festivities as we also install Kevin McQuillan as returning President of the 4:44 Club, and all District officers and Board members for the 2020-21 Rotary year.
The Pavilion at Meson Sabika sits on the beautifully landscaped property next to the historic mansion, located at 1025 Aurora Avenue, west of Washington Street, not far from downtown Naperville. Join Rotary District 6450 as well as members and guests of the casual 4:44 Rotary for the fun and festivities. Cheers!